Cátedra Paz, Seguridad y Defensa

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Observatorio PSyD

El observatorio opina

23 de Noviembre de 2018

Vanguardia de Ideas 23/11/2018

Isabel Adé Portero
Doctora en Historia Contemporánea

  Alison Elizabeth LEE, “US-Mexico Border Militarization and Violence: Dispossession of Undocumented Laboring Classes from Puebla, Mexico”, Revista Migraciones Internacionales, VOL. 9, NÚM. 4, Julio-Diciembre de 2018.  


“Interviews with return migrants in Puebla, Mexico before and after the massive border build-up of the mid-2000s reveal how increased border enforcement entailed greater risks of arrest and potentiated the violence migrants experienced at the hands of smugglers and criminals, reducing circular migration. Dispossessed of physical security and psychological well-being, illegal mobile bodies create value for multiple accumulation processes: at the point of production as vulnerable workers, as well as commodities for trafficking organizations and private detention centers. The violence inflicted on undocumented border crossers disciplines them for the more exploitative labor relations of temporary worker programs.”  


Sultan Al Kanj, “The Muslim Brotherhood’s Next Move in Syria”, Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Analysis October 2018, www.chathamhouse.org [18/11/2018].  

“The Brotherhood has survived in Syria because of the understanding it has reached with the jihadists of HTS and its predecessors. That understanding will break down when the groups realize they are rivals for Syria’s political future.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria is considered one of the oldest, most organized and most widespread organizations that has stood in opposition to the country’s successive autocratic regimes.

But when the 2011 Syrian revolution began, the Brotherhood ended up on the sidelines – the demonstrations were spontaneous and non-ideological, no opposition group was able to claim them. As the revolution evolved into an armed uprising, it had a similarly limited influence. Though some armed groups affiliated to the Brotherhood in name, most did not interact with the group in practice, uninterested in its ideology, or indeed any specific ideological mindset. […]

This alliance of convenience allowed the Brotherhood to retain a presence in Syria when other opposition groups were being decimated, leaving it with one of the dominant strains of ideological thought.

It carried benefits for HTS as well. Jabhat al-Nusra gained the support of the Brotherhood in its war against jihadist groups that opposed HTS, such as Jund al-Aqsa and ISIS cells, and it secured the Brotherhood’s neutrality in its struggle with other revolutionary factions, including Euphrates Shield, Ahrar al-Sham, and the al-Zenki Movement.

But the Brotherhood sees no political future for the jihadists in Syria; indeed, it sees itself as the political and ideological leader of the future. When each side realized the other is an enemy, the truce will break down. […]”  


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Cátedra Paz, Seguridad y Defensa - Universidad de Zaragoza Gobierno de España - Ministerio de Defensa