Cátedra Paz, Seguridad y Defensa

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Observatorio PSyD

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18 de Octubre de 2019

Vanguardia de Ideas 18/11/2019

Isabel Adé Portero
Doctora en Historia Contemporánea

  Rosario Soler, “El poder de los militares en Oriente Próximo y el norte de África”, El Orden Mundial, www.elordenmundial.com, 10/10/2019 [Consultado: 15/10/2019).

  “Los militares son actores clave en las estructuras de poder de los países de Oriente Próximo y el norte de África. A lo largo de los años, su influencia se han extendido a las esferas política, económica y social, en algunos casos han protagonizado golpes de Estado o sostenido dictaduras, y han forjado alianzas con potencias occidentales en materia de venta de armas y de lucha antiterrorista.”


Brian Katz and Christian Carpenter, “ISIS Is Already Rising From the Ashes”, www.foreingaffairs.com, 16/10/2019 [Consultado: 16/10/2019].

  “A U.S.-led military coalition succeeded in toppling the self-declared caliphate of the Islamic State, known as ISIS, in Iraq and Syria just this past March. Remarkably, only around 2,000 U.S. troops took part in this effort, a tiny fraction of those deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan at the heights of those wars. The key to success in Syria was that the United States worked “by, with, and through” local militia forces, namely the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), whose backbone was the Kurdish militia known as the People’s Protection Units (YPG).  
And yet, with a single call to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, U.S. President Donald Trump reportedly greenlit a Turkish assault on those same Kurdish partners, whose close ties to Kurdish militants in Turkey had long unnerved Ankara.

  Trump ordered the withdrawal of U.S. troops that had been training and assisting the SDF as part of an effort to preserve the coalition’s gains against ISIS. Turkey then launched a bloody campaign to push the Kurds away from the Turkish-Syrian border. With the SDF distracted, ISIS, ever adaptive and resilient, appears poised to exploit the chaos. Reports that ISIS militants have already escaped from Kurdish-run prisons have sparked fears that extremism could rise from the ashes in Syria. […]”  


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Cátedra Paz, Seguridad y Defensa - Universidad de Zaragoza Gobierno de España - Ministerio de Defensa