Peace, Security and Defence Chair

Español English

Observatorio PSyD

The observatory says

26th of June 2020

Vanguardia de Ideas 26/06/2020

Isabel Adé Portero
Doctora en Historia Contemporánea

Alberto Ballesteros, “Política exterior china o cómo convertirse en una gran potencia”, [Consultado: 22/06/2020]  

“Desde el triunfo de la revolución comunista en 1949, los líderes de la república Popular China han perseguido dos metas principales en su política exterior: recuperar los territorios que el país considera suyos y volver a convertirse en una gran potencia internacional. Con diferentes estrategias de acuerdo al contexto de su tiempo, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping y Xi Jinping han avanzado de manera imparable e inequívoca hacia la consecución de esos objetivos, que ahora parece más cercana que nunca”  

  Noha El-Mikawy, “From Risk to Opportunity: Local Governance in the southern Mediterranean”, CIDOB Notes Internacionals 232, 06/2020, [Consultado: 24/06/2020]  

“The second wave of protests that has swept across the Arab region since 2019 has been aggravated by COVID-19 and the economic recession it brought on, including a massive drop in oil process and rampant unemployment. These impacts add onto more longstanding popular frustration with corruption and spatial inequality in a region where coastal areas and cities attract the lion’s share of public investment and expenditure.

The outbreak of COVID-19 has reminded us of the importance of local governance. From the USA to Germany and down across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) it is becoming evident that measures to deal with the health emergency require close cooperation between central and local governments. Especially in the MENA region, the pandemic has had a strong impact on the lives and livelihoods of the urban poor who cannot afford social distance because they depend on seasonal work that does not come with paid sick leave or health insurance, and because they often live in highly dense informal housing settlements. Local and municipal governments are already at the forefront of fighting the pandemic and they will become even more important in the mitigation of its socioeconomic consequences. […]”

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Cátedra Paz, Seguridad y Defensa - Universidad de Zaragoza Gobierno de España - Ministerio de Defensa