Peace, Security and Defence Chair

Español English

Observatorio PSyD

The observatory says

14th of December 2018

Vanguardia de Ideas 14/12/2018

Isabel Adé Portero
Doctora en Historia Contemporánea

Glazier, Rebecca A., "How Religion Influences Peacemaking," Peace and Conflict Studies: Vol. 25 : No. 2 , Article 3, NOV-2018.  


“Although a large amount of scholarly and popular attention has been devoted to understanding the relationship between religion and violence, comparatively less attention has been paid to the relationship between religion and peace. Yet, there are many reasons to believe that religion can be a powerful force for peacemaking. Qualitative research indicates that religious leaders and religious people are often credible peace brokers who are respected in their communities, have ready access to cultural peace-promoting concepts like reconciliation and forgiveness, and may be motivated by non-partisan factors like fulfilling religious obligations or furthering God’s will. Despite this promising research, little large-scale quantitative data has yet been collected from individuals engaged in peacemaking. In this study, the relationship between religion and peacemaking is explored using survey data collected from 171 international peacemakers, the majority of whom are Christian and white. The results indicate that religion influences peacemaking in at least two non-mutually exclusive ways: through motivating religious individuals to participate in peacemaking and through the use of religious tactics by those engaged in peacemaking. Through both means, religion influences commitment to continuing peacemaking, subjective evaluations of success by peacemakers, and hope for success in the future.”    

José Luis Pontijas Calderón, Países Nórdicos: un ejemplo de cooperación flexible en seguridad y defensa, Documento de Análisis IEEE 44/2018, [consultado: 12/12/2018].  


“La larga cooperación entre Dinamarca, Finlandia, Islandia, Noruega y Suecia, abarca de manera fundamentalmente informal las áreas de seguridad y defensa, en la que los intereses divergentes limitan las posibilidades. En cualquier caso, proporciona un modelo de enfoque flexible con niveles de cooperación encomiables, impulsados por un sentimiento de identidad común, lo que podría proporcionar ejemplos para impulsar el proyecto de cooperación en las citadas áreas entre Gran Bretaña y la Unión Europea tras el brexit.”

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Cátedra Paz, Seguridad y Defensa - Universidad de Zaragoza Gobierno de España - Ministerio de Defensa