Peace, Security and Defence Chair

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Observatorio PSyD

The observatory says

1st of February 2019

Vanguardia de Ideas 01/02/2019

Isabel Adé Portero
Doctora en Historia Contemporánea

Viren Mascarenhas, Brian Jacobi, Claire O’Connell, and Isabel San Martin, “The Rohingyas' Plight: What Options Under International Law?”, The Diplomat, [28/01/2019].

 What role can the ICC and ICJ play in bringing justice for the Rohingyas’ suffering?

The plight of the Rohingya in Myanmar, hundreds of thousands of whom have fled to neighboring Bangladesh, has attracted widespread international attention. However, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) has failed to take action, hindered by Russia’s and China’s use of their veto powers. The UNSC’s inaction has not stopped other international actors from stepping up. Recently, the International Criminal Court’s Pre-Trial Chamber gave the green light for further examination into the atrocities suffered by the Rohingya, affirming the ICC’s plausible basis for jurisdiction despite Myanmar not being a party to the Rome statute. The ICC Prosecutor has launched a preliminary examination, and actively invited civil society and victims to participate in the process.

The United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) has also taken action, commissioning an independent fact-finding investigation into the Rohingya crisis that recently issued a report describing atrocious crimes against the Rohingya committed by the Myanmar military. Following this, the HRC has authorized the creation of an agency to collect and preserve evidence that could be used in future prosecutions.

The spotlight must remain on the plight of the victims. This article examines these developments and potential recourse for the Rohingya under international law. […]”

Alberto Pérez Moreno, “Siria, ¿misión imposible?”, Revista Ejército, núm. 933, diciembre 2018, pp. 112-115.

  “Han pasado siete años desde el inicio de la guerra en Siria y el anuncio de la renuncia del mediador de NN.UU, Steffan de Mistura, parece dar la razón a las palabras de despedida de Kofi Annan en 2012. Es cierto que el rechazo de Damasco a la Comisión Constitucional propuesta, la existencia de reductos de ISIL y los enfrentamientos en la zona del Éufrates, o los problemas de los refugiados, corroboran una visión pesimista del conflicto. Sin embargo, la delicada tregua en Idlib, la apertura de pasos fronterizos con Jordania y los Altos el Golán, el posible regreso de Siria a la Liga Árabe, pero sobretodo, los esfuerzos de mediación de NN.UU, los acuerdos de Astaná y la inédita cumbre de Estambul permiten alguna esperanza.”

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Cátedra Paz, Seguridad y Defensa - Universidad de Zaragoza Gobierno de España - Ministerio de Defensa